Meet your Cheerleaders
The faces behind the spice.
Swing open the door to our light, bright studio space, and you’ll be met by one of the happy faces below. They’re also the ones responsible for the smile and cute sweat patch you’ll be sporting at the end of class.
Our team are passionate about providing a whole mind and body approach to fitness because we know those endorphins flow even harder when you’re having a great time sweating it out.
Sure, our classes can get a bit spicy from time to time, but the magic happens when you feel that burn - trust us! As your fitness blooms, you feel better, think better, and feel more confident.
Bloom Founder + knows her way around an epic Spotify playlist.
So cool, calm and collected you’ll barely notice your abs on fire.
Tea aficionado. Her infectious smile will have you grinning from ear to ear.
A sweet and silent assassin. The booty burn will sneak up on you… then stick around.
Such a firecracker. She’ll even join in with you!
A total cheerleader. You won’t have time to rest, but the giggles are guaranteed!
So clever and experienced, you’ll be learning and burning in no time.
The Pilates Queen. She’ll work you from head to toe without even breaking a sweat!